Jakeuj's Notes master Help

AI Search Service

Azure 提供向量搜尋服務


Azure AI 搜尋服務 ( 先前稱為「Azure 認知搜尋」)可在傳統和產生的 AI 搜尋應用程式中,透過使用者擁有的內容,大規模提供安全的資訊擷取。

  • 快速入門: REST

  • 快速入門: Azure SDK

    • Azure SDK for .NET

    • Azure SDK for Python

    • Azure SDK for Java

    • 適用於 JavaScript 的 Azure SDK


本篇採用官方建議的 REST 說明文件來作筆記補充

理解後可以再依照自己的開發環境選擇 Azure SDK

1. 建立服務


2. 取得搜尋服務端點


3. 取得金鑰


4. 下載範例程式碼


5. 下載並安裝 VsCode 與 REST Client 擴充

Visual Studio Code

REST Client

6. 修改範例程式碼

az-search-vector-quickstart.rest 檔案中的 @baseUrl@apiKey 替換為自己的服務端點與金鑰


7. 執行範例程式碼建立索引


  • HotelId: 主索引鍵

  • HotelName: 旅館名稱

  • HotelNameVector: 旅館名稱的向量(用以模糊搜尋)

  • Description: 描述

  • DescriptionVector: 描述的向量(用以模糊搜尋)

  • Category: 類別

  • Tags: 標籤

  • ParkingIncluded: 停車位

  • LastRenovationDate: 最後整修日期

  • Rating: 評分

  • Address: 地址

  • Location: 地理位置

### Create a new index POST {{baseUrl}}/indexes?api-version=2023-11-01 HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json api-key: {{apiKey}}


{ "name": "hotels-vector-quickstart", "fields": [ { "name": "HotelId", "type": "Edm.String", "searchable": false, "filterable": true, "retrievable": true, "sortable": false, "facetable": false, "key": true }, { "name": "HotelName", "type": "Edm.String", "searchable": true, "filterable": false, "retrievable": true, "sortable": true, "facetable": false }, { "name": "HotelNameVector", "type": "Collection(Edm.Single)", "searchable": true, "retrievable": true, "dimensions": 1536, "vectorSearchProfile": "my-vector-profile" }, { "name": "Description", "type": "Edm.String", "searchable": true, "filterable": false, "retrievable": true, "sortable": false, "facetable": false }, { "name": "DescriptionVector", "type": "Collection(Edm.Single)", "searchable": true, "retrievable": true, "dimensions": 1536, "vectorSearchProfile": "my-vector-profile" }, { "name": "Description_fr", "type": "Edm.String", "searchable": true, "filterable": false, "retrievable": true, "sortable": false, "facetable": false, "analyzer": "en.microsoft" }, { "name": "Description_frvector", "type": "Collection(Edm.Single)", "searchable": true, "retrievable": true, "dimensions": 1536, "vectorSearchProfile": "my-vector-profile" }, { "name": "Category", "type": "Edm.String", "searchable": true, "filterable": true, "retrievable": true, "sortable": true, "facetable": true }, { "name": "Tags", "type": "Collection(Edm.String)", "searchable": true, "filterable": true, "retrievable": true, "sortable": false, "facetable": true }, { "name": "ParkingIncluded", "type": "Edm.Boolean", "searchable": false, "filterable": true, "retrievable": true, "sortable": true, "facetable": true }, { "name": "LastRenovationDate", "type": "Edm.DateTimeOffset", "searchable": false, "filterable": true, "retrievable": true, "sortable": true, "facetable": true }, { "name": "Rating", "type": "Edm.Double", "searchable": false, "filterable": true, "retrievable": true, "sortable": true, "facetable": true }, { "name": "Address", "type": "Edm.ComplexType", "fields": [ { "name": "StreetAddress", "type": "Edm.String", "searchable": true, "filterable": false, "retrievable": true, "sortable": false, "facetable": false }, { "name": "City", "type": "Edm.String", "searchable": true, "filterable": true, "retrievable": true, "sortable": true, "facetable": true }, { "name": "StateProvince", "type": "Edm.String", "searchable": true, "filterable": true, "retrievable": true, "sortable": true, "facetable": true }, { "name": "PostalCode", "type": "Edm.String", "searchable": true, "filterable": true, "retrievable": true, "sortable": true, "facetable": true }, { "name": "Country", "type": "Edm.String", "searchable": true, "filterable": true, "retrievable": true, "sortable": true, "facetable": true } ] }, { "name": "Location", "type": "Edm.GeographyPoint", "searchable": false, "filterable": true, "retrievable": true, "sortable": true, "facetable": false } ], "vectorSearch": { "algorithms": [ { "name": "my-hnsw-vector-config-1", "kind": "hnsw", "hnswParameters": { "m": 4, "efConstruction": 400, "efSearch": 500, "metric": "cosine" } }, { "name": "my-hnsw-vector-config-2", "kind": "hnsw", "hnswParameters": { "m": 4, "metric": "euclidean" } }, { "name": "my-eknn-vector-config", "kind": "exhaustiveKnn", "exhaustiveKnnParameters": { "metric": "cosine" } } ], "profiles": [ { "name": "my-vector-profile", "algorithm": "my-hnsw-vector-config-1" } ] }, "semantic": { "configurations": [ { "name": "my-semantic-config", "prioritizedFields": { "titleField": { "fieldName": "HotelName" }, "prioritizedContentFields": [ { "fieldName": "Description" } ], "prioritizedKeywordsFields": [ { "fieldName": "Category" } ] } } ] } }

8. 執行範例程式碼上傳資料


其中 HotelNameVector 與 DescriptionVector

是將 HotelName 與 Description 向量化後的結果


也有提供 Azure OpenAI 服務,使用嵌入模型 text-embedding-ada-002 來向量化的範例程式碼


### Upload documents POST {{baseUrl}}/indexes/hotels-vector-quickstart/docs/index?api-version=2023-11-01 HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json api-key: {{apiKey}}


{ "value": [ { "@search.action": "mergeOrUpload", "HotelId": "1", "HotelName": "Secret Point Hotel", "HotelNameVector": [0.0040753875,0.004081966,0.007854742], "Description": "The hotel is ideally located on the...", "DescriptionVector": [-0.020142354,0.017661706], "Category": "Boutique", "Tags": [ "pool", "air conditioning", "concierge" ], "ParkingIncluded": false, "LastRenovationDate": "1970-01-18T00:00:00Z", "Rating": 3.60, "Address": { "StreetAddress": "677 5th Ave", "City": "New York", "StateProvince": "NY", "PostalCode": "10022", "Country": "USA" }, "Location": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -73.975403, 40.760586 ] } } ] }

這邊資料很長,所以只貼一筆資料,並且縮減向量,方便瀏覽,實際請到 Github 範例程式碼中查看

9. 執行單一向量查詢


  • count: 是否回傳筆數

  • select: 回傳的欄位

  • vectorQueries: 向量查詢

    • vector: 向量

    • k: 回傳筆數

    • fields: 欄位

    • kind: 向量

    • exhaustive: 是否完整搜尋

### Run a single vector query POST {{baseUrl}}/indexes/hotels-vector-quickstart/docs/search?api-version=2023-11-01 HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json api-key: {{apiKey}}


{ "count": true, "select": "HotelId, HotelName, Description, Category", "vectorQueries": [ { "vector": [0.01944167, 0.0040178085, -0.007816401, 0.009330357], "k": 7, "fields": "DescriptionVector", "kind": "vector", "exhaustive": true } ] }


{ "@odata.context": "https://ai-jakeuj.search.windows.net/indexes('hotels-vector-quickstart')/$metadata#docs(*)", "@odata.count": 7, "value": [ { "@search.score": 0.8577363, "HotelId": "48", "HotelName": "Nordick's Motel", "Description": "Only 90 miles (about 2 hours) from the nati...", "Category": "Boutique" }, { "@search.score": 0.8399121, "HotelId": "49", "HotelName": "Old Carrabelle Hotel", "Description": "Spacious rooms, glamorous suites and reside...", "Category": "Luxury" }, { "@search.score": 0.8383955, "HotelId": "13", "HotelName": "Historic Lion Resort", "Description": "Unmatched Luxury. Visit our downtown hotel...", "Category": "Resort and Spa" }, { "@search.score": 0.82543427, "HotelId": "4", "HotelName": "Sublime Cliff Hotel", "Description": "Sublime Cliff Hotel is located in the heart...", "Category": "Boutique" }, { "@search.score": 0.82380015, "HotelId": "1", "HotelName": "Secret Point Hotel", "Description": "The hotel is ideally located on the main co...", "Category": "Boutique" }, { "@search.score": 0.81514114, "HotelId": "2", "HotelName": "Twin Dome Hotel", "Description": "The hotel is situated in a nineteenth cent...", "Category": "Boutique" }, { "@search.score": 0.813376, "HotelId": "3", "HotelName": "Triple Landscape Hotel", "Description": "The Hotel stands out for its gastronomic ...", "Category": "Resort and Spa" } ] }

10. 執行向量查詢並加上過濾器


  • filter: 篩選條件

  • vectorFilterMode: 向量篩選模式

### Run a vector query with a filter POST {{baseUrl}}/indexes/hotels-vector-quickstart/docs/search?api-version=2023-11-01 HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json api-key: {{apiKey}}


{ "count": true, "select": "HotelId, HotelName, Category, Tags, Description", "filter": "Tags/any(tag: tag eq 'free wifi')", "vectorFilterMode": "postFilter", "vectorQueries": [ { "vector": [0.01944167, 0.0040178085, -0.007816401, 0.009330357], "k": 7, "fields": "DescriptionVector", "kind": "vector", "exhaustive": true } ] }


{ "@odata.context": "https://ai-jakeuj.search.windows.net/indexes('hotels-vector-quickstart')/$metadata#docs(*)", "@odata.count": 3, "value": [ { "@search.score": 0.8577363, "HotelId": "48", "HotelName": "Nordick's Motel", "Description": "Only 90 miles (about 2 hours) from the nati...", "Category": "Boutique", "Tags": [ "continental breakfast", "air conditioning", "free wifi" ] }, { "@search.score": 0.8383955, "HotelId": "13", "HotelName": "Historic Lion Resort", "Description": "Unmatched Luxury. Visit our downtown hotel...", "Category": "Resort and Spa", "Tags": [ "view", "free wifi", "pool" ] }, { "@search.score": 0.81514114, "HotelId": "2", "HotelName": "Twin Dome Hotel", "Description": "The hotel is situated in a nineteenth cent...", "Category": "Boutique", "Tags": [ "pool", "free wifi", "air conditioning", "concierge" ] } ] }

11. 執行混合查詢


### Run a hybrid query POST {{baseUrl}}/indexes/hotels-vector-quickstart/docs/search?api-version=2023-11-01 HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json api-key: {{apiKey}}


{ "count": true, "search": "historic hotel walk to restaurants and shopping", "select": "HotelId, HotelName, Category, Tags, Description", "top": 7, "vectorQueries": [ { "vector": [0.01944167, 0.0040178085, -0.007816401, 0.009330357], "k": 7, "fields": "DescriptionVector", "kind": "vector", "exhaustive": true } ] }


{ "@odata.context": "https://ai-jakeuj.search.windows.net/indexes('hotels-vector-quickstart')/$metadata#docs(*)", "@odata.count": 7, "value": [ { "@search.score": 0.03306011110544205, "HotelId": "49", "HotelName": "Old Carrabelle Hotel", "Description": "Spacious rooms, glamorous suites and reside...", "Category": "Luxury", "Tags": [ "air conditioning", "laundry service", "24-hour front desk service" ] }, { "@search.score": 0.032522473484277725, "HotelId": "13", "HotelName": "Historic Lion Resort", "Description": "Unmatched Luxury. Visit our downtown hotel...", "Category": "Resort and Spa", "Tags": [ "view", "free wifi", "pool" ] }, { "@search.score": 0.03205128386616707, "HotelId": "48", "HotelName": "Nordick's Motel", "Description": "Only 90 miles (about 2 hours) from the nati...", "Category": "Boutique", "Tags": [ "continental breakfast", "air conditioning", "free wifi" ] }, { "@search.score": 0.0320020467042923, "HotelId": "4", "HotelName": "Sublime Cliff Hotel", "Description": "Sublime Cliff Hotel is located in the heart...", "Category": "Boutique", "Tags": [ "concierge", "view", "24-hour front desk service" ] }, { "@search.score": 0.03125763311982155, "HotelId": "2", "HotelName": "Twin Dome Hotel", "Description": "The hotel is situated in a nineteenth cent...", "Category": "Boutique", "Tags": [ "pool", "free wifi", "air conditioning", "concierge" ] }, { "@search.score": 0.03077651560306549, "HotelId": "1", "HotelName": "Secret Point Hotel", "Description": "The hotel is ideally located on the main ...", "Category": "Boutique", "Tags": [ "pool", "air conditioning", "concierge" ] }, { "@search.score": 0.03077651560306549, "HotelId": "3", "HotelName": "Triple Landscape Hotel", "Description": "The Hotel stands out for its gastronomic ...", "Category": "Resort and Spa", "Tags": [ "air conditioning", "bar", "continental breakfast" ] } ] }

12. 執行混合查詢並進行語意重新排序


  • queryType: 查詢類型

  • semanticConfiguration: 語義配置

  • facets: 分類

### Run a hybrid query with semantic reranking (requires Basic tier or above) POST {{baseUrl}}/indexes/hotels-vector-quickstart/docs/search?api-version=2023-11-01 HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json api-key: {{apiKey}}


{ "count": true, "search": "historic hotel walk to restaurants and shopping", "select": "HotelId, HotelName, Category, Description,Address/City, Address/StateProvince", "vectorFilterMode": null, "filter": "geo.distance(Location, geography'POINT(-77.03241 38.90166)') le 300", "facets": [ "Address/StateProvince"], "top": 7, "queryType": "semantic", "semanticConfiguration": "my-semantic-config", "vectorQueries": [ { "vector": [0.01944167, 0.0040178085, -0.007816401, 0.009330357, -0.014920352, 0.03203286], "k": 7, "fields": "DescriptionVector", "kind": "vector", "exhaustive": true } ] }


{ "error": { "code": "FeatureNotSupportedInService", "message": "Semantic search is not enabled for this service.\r\nParameter name: queryType", "details": [ { "code": "SemanticQueriesNotAvailable", "message": "Semantic search is not enabled for this service." } ] } }


  • requires Basic tier or above

13. 執行範例程式碼刪除索引


### Delete an index DELETE {{baseUrl}}/indexes/hotels-vector-quickstart?api-version=2023-11-01 HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json api-key: {{apiKey}}
Last modified: 15 July 2024